My First Blog

Published on Monday, 03 May, 2021

Hello all, and welcome to my first official blog post. It is a little weird to be writing this. I never thought of myself as someone who 'blogs'. Though, with my recent decent into the world of web development, I felt like documenting the experience would be a good way to keep track of what I am learning, and to hopefully inspire me to continue with it.

This blog is going to eventually be divided into three main sections

  • Learning: Here I will document what I am currently learning. Often times, when I come back to previous projects or tasks, etc. I cannot exactly get into the mindset I was in when implementing/learning the first time. So hopefully, this section will provide me a nice and organized way to keep my learning documented.
  • Personal: This will be for posts like this. I just like to talk sometimes. I like to talk about my day, new sayings I have heard, new interests. Sometimes everything can't be about learning!
  • Educational: This will be used sparingly and will serve as a tutorials section of my blog. If I learn anything particularly useful and want to share with others in a more professional format, I will do so in this section.

That is pretty much all I wanted to cover today. This will be a slow process, but I am really excited!